About Us Visa Information and fees

The Mission issues regular paper visas only. It has no role in issuing/processing of e-visa.

Applicants may apply appropriate category of regular paper visa at https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/ and submit the print out of the application at BLS International Services Norway AS, SPACES OSLO KVADRATUREN, Tollbugata 8, 0152, Oslo. along with the supporting documents and the passport.

Contact details of BLS:
Website: https://blsindia-norway.com/
Email: [email protected]


Applicants can apply for e-visa directly at https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html and pay the requisite fee online. The applicants will receive their e-visa by Bureau of Immigration on their respective e-mail id. The applicants may also check their e-visa status at https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/StatusEnquiry

Please note that the Mission has no role in issuing/processing of e-visa. In addition, their is no need of any intermediary for applying e-visa.
For queries related to e-visa, please write at [email protected]

Visa fee and VAS rates

Refund of Visa Fees
Policy for refund of Regular Paper visa fee

Only the payment of fee paid in excess or multiple times, against a regular paper visa application can be refunded on the receiving request for the same from the applicant.

Those who seek refund may make the request through an email addressed to [email protected] clearly mentioning the application reference number, amount paid, reason for seeking refund, attaching a copy of the proof of payment. The communication for refund request should also contain the details of bank account into which the refund is to be remitted.

No refund claim will be entertained after 3 months of such payment.
However under no circumstance, the actual fee once paid against the application will be refunded after submission of visa application and processing at the Embassy of India.